
The Father of Modern Christian Movies

Since the 1950's Russ Doughten has been instrumental in the creation of award-winning evangelistic movies. Since 1972, through companies like Heartland Productions, Mark IV Pictures, and now Russ Doughten Films, he has been involved in the vision, writing, production, direction, and distribution of dramatic feature-length films. Russ Doughten Films now has 23 movies in distribution. All are created to reach their viewers with a better understanding of the life and purpose of Jesus Christ, and to encourage them to repent of their sins, and receive His forgiveness and His gift of Eternal Life.

Russ Doughten Films


In 1965, Heartland Productions was founded by Russell S. Doughten, Jr. Under the Heartland banner, he produced and directed 8 dramatic features that present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These motion pictures include those for children, young people, and adults. During this time, he also began Mark IV Pictures with Donald W. Thompson in 1972. Together these filmmakers produced 12 feature-lengths, dramatic Christian movies over 12 years. Many of the films have been recognized with awards for acting, directing, technical quality, and effectiveness in communicating the Christian message of salvation through Jesus Christ.


Russell S. Doughten, Jr. received the Milestone Award for 50 years of achievement in communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ through movies at the February Annual Meeting of the National Religious Broadcasters in Nashville, Tennessee.

Mr. Doughten has been called the Father of the Modern Christian movie and a pioneer in putting Christian film on video. As a producer, director, writer, and actor, he is responsible for over 150 projects, touching hundreds of millions of people worldwide. More people than live have seen his movie "A Thief in the Night" alone in the United States. Mr. Doughten's projects have received over 50 awards.

Russ Doughten Films
Film Awards
A Thief In The Night Best Film, Best Actress NEFF*
A Distant Thunder Best Film, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress CFDA*
Image Of The Beast Award Winner CFDA*
The Prodigal Planet Award Winner CFDA*
All The King's Horses Best Film, Best Actress, CFDA*
Blood On The Mountain Best Film CFDA*
Brother Enemy Best Evangelistic Film, Best Actor CFDA*
Coach Best Youth Film, Best Screenplay CFDA*
Face In The Mirror Best Supporting Actress CFDA*
Happiness Is... Silver Angel Award RIM*
Heaven's Heroes Best Soul Winning Film, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress; Silver Screen Award CFDA*
Home Safe Best Actress RIM*, Silver Angel Award CFDA*
Nite Song Best Youth Film USIFF*, Award Of Excellence CFDA*
Sammy Best Actor, Best Youth Film CFDA*
Survival Best Film CFDA*
The Healing Founder's Award RIM*, Silver Angel Award CFDA*
The Paradise Trail Best Soul Winning Film CFDA*
The Shepherd Award Of Excellence RIM*
Whitcomb's War Best Supporting Actress, Best Special Effects CFDA*
*The following organizations gave awards:
CFDA Christian Film Directors Association
NEFF National Evangelistic Film Foundation
RIM Religion In Media
USIFF United States Industrial Film Festival